Recently. we received an email from a Gitora user with six questions. We think our answers might be interesting for others as well. So here they are:
1. Where is the remote repository created?
Gitora does not use a remote repository in its first version. Everything is handled using local repositories. You can still use a remote repository if you want. There is nothing in Gitora preventing you from doing that.
2. How do you lock database objects?
The users decide which database objects Gitora should manage. When a DDL is executed, a database level trigger created by Gitora ensures that the Oracle user running the DDL is signed in to Gitora and checked out the database object it is manipulating if it is an object managed by Gitora. If the object is checked out by another user already, the trigger throws an exception. There is a PL/SQL API for a database user to sign in to Gitora in her database session. Optionally, she can use the Gitora App to check out an object. Gitora is also quite pragmatic and automatically checks out the object if it is not currently checked out by anyone else.
3. Is there any relation between Gitora users and Database Users? If there isn’t any relation, how do I create Gitora users?
There is no relation between Gitora users and database users. You can use the Gitora App to create Gitora users. Then, to check out an object managed by Gitora, you can sign in to Gitora by either using its PL/SQL API or the Gitora App.
4. Do I have to log in to Gitora every time I create a new database session?
You have to log in to Gitora in a database session only if you want to modify a database object or check out a database object managed by Gitora. Signing inĀ is a single line API call that probably can be automated by your PL/SQL development tool.
5. Where is the version history stored?
Everything related to versioning is done and stored in the Git repository. Gitora is only a bridge between the Oracle Database and the Git server.
6. How can we integrate Gitora to TOAD? Is there a plug-in?
There is no need for a plug-in. Gitora works with any PL/SQL development tool. It has a small set of PL/SQL API’s that you can call from any development tool. Gitora also has a web app you can use to perform common version control tasks.