Introducing Gitora For Data

We are thrilled to announce the release of a brand new app: Gitora For Data.

Gitora For Data seamlessly integrates data in your tables with Git, enabling robust version control. Utilize any Git command for collaboration and effortlessly import any dataset version back into your chosen database. Gitora For Data is ideal for versioning metadata, business logic, Large Objects (LOBs), and value lists in your tables.

A Solution for Database Centric Applications

Many teams in the Oracle database community build database centric applications where most of the business logic, code, settings, workflows and even user interfaces are stored in the database tables. This has great benefits but it comes at a great cost: Lack of version control. Deprived of version control, database teams struggle to collaborate. Having two people working on the same application becomes a daunting task, a trivial undertaking for middle tier and web developers. Deploying changes from the development database to production fairs no better. A missing row in a table, a forgotten CLOB update causes havoc. Gitora For Data is our first attempt to provide a solution to these shortcomings.

Database centric application development is an area with a lot idiosyncratic implementations and no real industry wide standards. Accommodating the wide range of requirements may take additional features. We are looking forward to hearing from you. We fully anticipate that there will be unique needs and Gitora For Data application architecture is flexible enough to support a wide variety of requirements.

We published two tutorials already. One that shows how you can get started and one that shows how to start versioning your metadata.

You can download Gitora For Data from this link.

Introducing the Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.0

Today I am happy to introduce the latest version of the Gitora Editor. You can download it here.

There are two new features in this release.

  • The PL/SQL Debugger
  • The AI Assistant

The PL/SQL Debugger

Gitora 2.0 has a fully featured PL/SQL Debugger. Best to my knowledge, Gitora PL/SQL Debugger is the first and the only web application with a PL/SQL debugger.

Gitora Debugger also supports multiple debugging session at the same time.

You can learn more about the Gitora PL/SQL Debugger at this link.

The AI Assistant for SQL and PL/SQL

First a foreword: AI is real and it is here. Its implications for knowledge workers will be enormous, including you the database developers.

There is no escaping AI in our line of work. Therefore, while building this version of Gitora, I’ve fully embraced it.

The last few months have been the most interesting, rewarding and productive period of my professional life. I’ve practically stopped using Google search and StackOverflow, two websites I’d consider essential to my work just a few months ago.

I’ve coded the Gitora PL/SQL debugger virtually without reading a single line of documentation about how to build debuggers in Java or the specifics of how to build a Java debugger for PL/SQL. I am not even sure if there is any documentation available about building a PL/SQL debugger on the Internet.

I just talked about these topics with ChatGPT and analyzed the code snippets it produced.

All CSS and almost all of the run-of-the-mill code I needed to write for the debugger and the AI Assistant (oh the irony!) is either written by ChatGPT or GitHub CoPilot. Heck, I even had the previous sentence grammatically verified by ChatGPT. I got it right in my first attempt and ChatGPT congratulated me.

I view AI as an amazing junior pair programmer who I am working with. My goal is to create the same feeling for you with the Gitora AI Assistant.

In Gitora Editor 2.0 the AI Assistant shows up in several places.

Chat with the AI Assistant

You can chat with the AI Assistant to write, debug, explain and improve your SQL and PL/SQL code.

This is a free form conversation with the AI Assistant very much like the experience with the ChatGPT. The difference is that Gitora automatically informs the AI about the context of your message. Behind the scenes, Gitora sends the information about the tables, their structure and their relationships to the AI Assistant, helping it to write SQL and PL/SQL relevant to your context.

You can send the code you are working on and the errors you receive during execution to the AI Assistant with just a click, along with the relevant context of course.

Links for the tutorials with complete details about how to configure and use the Gitora AI Assistant are below:

Configuring the AI Assistant

How Chat with the AI Assistant

PL/SQL Code Assistant

While you are coding, the Gitora AI Assistant uses the OpenAI GPT Turbo to suggest SQL and PL/SQL code and entire functions, procedures in real-time, right from the editor.

The Code Assistant is not aware of your database objects, their structures and relationships yet, so it is more of an experimental feature.

I’ll continue integrating AI to all aspects of database development to create your favorite junior pair programmer. If you think this is interesting, please download the Gitora PL/SQL Editor. You can support my work by providing feedback via email, Twitter or LinkedIn. Obviously, the best way to support my work is to purchase a subscription. 🙂

Introducing Gitora 7

We are excited to announce the launch of Gitora 7, which includes a groundbreaking addition to our suite of tools:

The Gitora PL/SQL Editor

The Gitora PL/SQL Editor represents a fresh approach to writing PL/SQL code, drawing on the latest advances in code editors to deliver an unparalleled experience to the PL/SQL community. Packed with modern features that are intuitive and easy to use, this editor represents a significant leap forward in coding in PL/SQL.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the features that make the Gitora PL/SQL Editor so remarkable:

  • Beautiful Design
    The Gitora PL/SQL Editor boasts a beautiful, modern design that makes it easy on the eyes and intuitive to use. With Bootstrap 5 components and Font Awesome icons, you can rest assured that the editor will be both stylish and functional.

  • Dark Mode
    When you’re working long hours on code, the last thing you want is to strain your eyes. That’s why the Gitora PL/SQL Editor comes with a gorgeous dark mode that is easy on the eyes and perfect for long coding sessions.

  • Single Page Web Application
    Designed from the ground up for a multi-monitor, multi-tab world, the Gitora PL/SQL Editor is a single-page web application that allows you to open multiple editors in many browser tabs across multiple monitors. This means that you can work on complicated tasks without losing your place.

  • Auto Complete Suggestions
    The editor’s smart auto-complete suggestions make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Whether you’re typing package, procedure or function names, the editor will suggest relevant options to help speed up your workflow.

  • Package (and Object Type) Content Navigator
    Navigating between package procedures, and functions is a breeze with the package content navigator. With just a single click, you can easily move between different parts of your code.

  • Split Editor
    The split editor lets you work on two sections of your code simultaneously, making it easy to compare code or write related sections side by side.

  • Go Back/Forward in the Editor
    The editor remembers the locations of your cursor, allowing you to easily navigate back and forth between different parts of your code with just a click, much like a browser’s back/forward buttons.

  • Go to Definition
    With the CTRL+click command, you can quickly go to the definition of any database object in the code, allowing you to move between different parts of your project with ease.

  • Code Folding
    Code folding lets you get a better view of the code structure by folding code blocks, making it easier to read and understand large chunks of code.

  • Integrated with the Gitora Version Control
    Finally, the editor is fully integrated with the Gitora Version Control, allowing you to use it independently or from within the Gitora Version Control application. This makes it easy to manage your code changes and keep track of your work as you go.

We hope you’re as excited about the Gitora PL/SQL Editor as we are! With its many powerful features and intuitive design, we’re confident that it will be a game-changer for Oracle database developers everywhere.

Download Gitora 7 today to see what it can do for you!